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Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis
Adsorption and Catalysis on Oxide Surfaces : Proceedings of a Symposium, Brunel University, Uxbridge, June 28-29, 1984
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis |
Verlag | Elsevier Science Publishers |
Jahr | 1985 |
Seiten | 442 |
ISBN | 0 444 42512 8 |
Medium | Hardcover / Online im Internet |
Standort |
28 A
Buch ausleihen |
e-Book | Link |
Oxford Science Publications
An introduction to chemisorption and catalysis by metals
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Oxford Science Publications |
Verlag | Clarendon Press |
Jahr | 1985 |
Seiten | 260 |
ISBN | 0 19 855163 0 |
Medium | Hardcover |
Standort |
353 A
Buch ausleihen |
Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis
Catalysis by Acids and Bases : Proceedings of an International Symposium organized by the Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse - CNRS - Villeurbanne and sponsored by the Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique, Villeurbanne (Lyon), September 25-27, 1984
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis |
Verlag | Elsevier Science Publishers |
Jahr | 1985 |
Seiten | 445 |
ISBN | 0 444 42449 0 |
Medium | Hardcover / Online im Internet |
Standort |
28 A
Buch ausleihen |
e-Book | Link |
Chemical Industries (Boca Raton, FL, United States)
Catalysis of Organic Reactions
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Chemical Industries (Boca Raton, FL, United States) |
Verlag | Marcel Dekker |
Jahr | 1985 |
Seiten | 398 |
ISBN | 0 8247 7263 6 |
Medium | Hardcover |
Standort |
353 B
Buch ausleihen |
ACS Symposium Series
Catalyst Characterization Science : Surface and Solid State Chemistry
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | ACS Symposium Series |
Verlag | American Chemical Society |
Jahr | 1985 |
Seiten | 616 |
ISBN | 0 8412 0937 5 |
Medium | Hardcover / Online im Internet |
Standort | Buch ausleihen |
e-Book | Link |
Chemical Industries (Boca Raton, FL, United States)
Deactivation and Poisoning of Catalysts
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Chemical Industries (Boca Raton, FL, United States) |
Verlag | Marcel Dekker |
Jahr | 1985 |
Seiten | 327 |
ISBN | 0 8247 7338 1 |
Medium | Hardcover |
Standort |
354 B
Buch ausleihen |
Catalysis by Metal Complexes
Homogeneous Catalysis with Compounds of Rhodium and Iridium
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Catalysis by Metal Complexes |
Verlag | D. Reidel Publishing Co. |
Jahr | 1985 |
Seiten | 278 |
ISBN | 90 277 1880 6 |
Medium | Hardcover / Online im Internet |
Standort |
27 B
Buch ausleihen |
e-Book | Link |
Best Synthetic Methods
Hydrogenation Methods
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Best Synthetic Methods |
Verlag | Academic Press |
Jahr | 1985 |
Seiten | 193 |
ISBN | 0 12 605365 0 |
Medium | Hardcover |
Standort |
352 F
Buch ausleihen |
Introduction to Characterization and Testing of Catalysts
Klassifikation | |
Verlag | Academic Press |
Jahr | 1985 |
Seiten | 457 |
ISBN | 0 12 058320 8 |
Medium | Hardcover |
Standort |
352 A
Buch ausleihen |
NATO ASI Series, Series C : Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Photoelectrochemistry, Photocatalysis and Photoreactors : Fundamentals and Developments
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | NATO ASI Series, Series C : Mathematical and Physical Sciences |
Verlag | D. Reidel Publishing Co. |
Jahr | 1985 |
Seiten | 631 |
ISBN | 90 277 1946 2 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis
Physics of Solid Surfaces 1984 : Proceedings of the Third Symposium on Surface Physics, Smolenice Castle, Czechoslovakia, 3-7 September 1984
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis |
Verlag | Elsevier Science Publishers |
Jahr | 1985 |
Seiten | 240 |
ISBN | 0 444 42529 2 |
Medium | Hardcover / Online im Internet |
Standort |
28 A
Buch ausleihen |
e-Book | Link |
ACS Symposium Series
Solid State Chemistry in Catalysis
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | ACS Symposium Series |
Verlag | American Chemical Society |
Jahr | 1985 |
Seiten | 365 |
ISBN | 0 8412 0915 4 |
Medium | Hardcover / Online im Internet |
Standort |
KC03 1 C
Buch ausleihen |
e-Book | Link |
Stereochemistry of Heterogeneous Metal Catalysis
Klassifikation | |
Verlag | Wiley-Interscience |
Jahr | 1985 |
Seiten | 632 |
ISBN | 0 471 90553 4 |
Medium | Hardcover |
Standort |
353 A
Buch ausleihen |
Catalysis by Metal Complexes
Supported Metal Complexes : A New Generation of Catalysts
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Catalysis by Metal Complexes |
Verlag | D. Reidel Publishing Co. |
Jahr | 1985 |
Seiten | 318 |
ISBN | 90 277 1855 5 |
Medium | Hardcover / Online im Internet |
Standort |
27 B
Buch ausleihen |
e-Book | Link |
Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis
Unsteady Processes in Catalytic Reactors
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis |
Verlag | Elsevier Science Publishers |
Jahr | 1985 |
Seiten | 364 |
ISBN | 0 444 42523 3 |
Medium | Hardcover / Online im Internet |
Standort |
28 A
Buch ausleihen |
e-Book | Link |
Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis
Zeolites : Synthesis, Structure, Technology and Application : Proceedings of an International Symposium organized by the "Boris Kidric" Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana on behalf of the International Zeolite Association, Portoroz-Portorose, September 3-8, 1984
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis |
Verlag | Elsevier Science Publishers |
Jahr | 1985 |
Seiten | 690 |
ISBN | 0 444 42568 3 |
Medium | Hardcover / Online im Internet |
Standort |
28 A
Buch ausleihen |
e-Book | Link |
Applied Industrial Catalysis, 1983 -
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Applied Industrial Catalysis, 1983 - |
Verlag | Academic Press |
Jahr | 1984 |
Seiten | 397 |
ISBN | 0 12 440203 8 |
Medium | Hardcover |
Standort |
KC01 1 A
Buch ausleihen |
Catalysis : Science and Technology
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Catalysis : Science and Technology |
Verlag | Springer-Verlag |
Jahr | 1984 |
Seiten | 280 |
ISBN | 3 540 12665 1 |
Medium | Hardcover / Online im Internet |
Standort |
355 F
Buch ausleihen |
e-Book | Link |
Catalysis : Science and Technology
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Catalysis : Science and Technology |
Verlag | Springer-Verlag |
Jahr | 1984 |
Seiten | 312 |
ISBN | 3 540 12815 8 |
Medium | Hardcover / Online im Internet |
Standort |
355 F
Buch ausleihen |
e-Book | Link |
Catalysis by Metal Complexes
Activation of Saturated Hydrocarbons by Transitions Metal Complexes
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Catalysis by Metal Complexes |
Verlag | Kluwer Academic Publishers |
Jahr | 1984 |
Seiten | 203 |
ISBN | 90 277 1628 5 |
Medium | Hardcover |
Standort |
27 B
Buch ausleihen |