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Künstliche Intelligenz
Klassifikation | |
Auflage | 4., aktual. Aufl. |
Verlag | Carl Hanser Verlag |
Jahr | 2012 |
Seiten | 332 |
ISBN | 978 3 446 42758 7 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Standort | Buch ausleihen |
e-Book | Link |
Machine Learning : The Art and Science of Algorithms that Make Sense of Data
Klassifikation | |
Verlag | Cambridge University Press |
Jahr | 2012 |
Seiten | 396 |
ISBN | 978 1 107 09639 4 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition : 8th International Conference, MLDM 2012, Berlin, Germany, July 13-20, 2012, Proceedings
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence |
Verlag | Springer-Verlag |
Jahr | 2012 |
Seiten | 670 |
ISBN | 978 3 642 31536 7 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues
Neural Information Processing : 19th International Conference, ICONIP 2012, Doha, Qatar, November 12-15, 2012, Proceedings, Part I
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues |
Verlag | Springer-Verlag |
Jahr | 2012 |
Seiten | 708 |
ISBN | 978 3 642 34474 9 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues
Neural Information Processing : 19th International Conference, ICONIP 2012, Doha, Qatar, November 12-15, 2012, Proceedings, Part II
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues |
Verlag | Springer-Verlag |
Jahr | 2012 |
Seiten | 712 |
ISBN | 978 3 642 34480 0 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues
Neural Information Processing : 19th International Conference, ICONIP 2012, Doha, Qatar, November 12-15, 2012, Proceedings, Part III
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues |
Verlag | Springer-Verlag |
Jahr | 2012 |
Seiten | 722 |
ISBN | 978 3 642 34486 2 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues
Neural Information Processing : 19th International Conference, ICONIP 2012, Doha, Qatar, November 12-15, 2012, Proceedings, Part IV
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues |
Verlag | Springer-Verlag |
Jahr | 2012 |
Seiten | 710 |
ISBN | 978 3 642 34477 0 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues
Neural Information Processing : 19th International Conference, ICONIP 2012, Doha, Qatar, November 12-15, 2012, Proceedings, Part V
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues |
Verlag | Springer-Verlag |
Jahr | 2012 |
Seiten | 756 |
ISBN | 978 3 642 34499 2 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
PRICAI 2012 : Trends in Artificial Intelligence : 12th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Kuching, Malaysia, September 3-7, 2012, Proceedings
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence |
Verlag | Springer-Verlag |
Jahr | 2012 |
Seiten | 905 |
ISBN | 978 3 642 32694 3 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Series on Intelligence Science
Advanced Artificial Intelligence
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Series on Intelligence Science |
Verlag | World Scientific Publishing Co. |
Jahr | 2011 |
Seiten | 613 |
ISBN | 978 981 4291 34 7 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues
Artificial Immune Systems : 10th International Conference, ICARIS 2011, Cambridge, UK, July 18-21, 2011, Proceedings
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues |
Verlag | Springer-Verlag |
Jahr | 2011 |
Seiten | 434 |
ISBN | 978 3 642 22370 9 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine : 13th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, AIME 2011, Bled, Slovenia, July 2-6, 2011, Proceedings
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence |
Verlag | Springer-Verlag |
Jahr | 2011 |
Seiten | 355 |
ISBN | 978 3 642 22217 7 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues
Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning - ICANN 2011 : 1st International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Espoo, Finland, June 14-17, 2011, Proceedings, Part I
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues |
Verlag | Springer-Verlag |
Jahr | 2011 |
Seiten | 390 |
ISBN | 978 3 642 21734 0 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues
Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning - ICANN 2011 : 1st International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Espoo, Finland, June 14-17, 2011, Proceedings, Part II
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues |
Verlag | Springer-Verlag |
Jahr | 2011 |
Seiten | 474 |
ISBN | 978 3 642 21737 1 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Computer Science and Data Analysis Series
Bayesian Artificial Intelligence
Klassifikation | |
Auflage | 2nd ed. |
Reihe | Computer Science and Data Analysis Series |
Verlag | Chapman & Hall / CRC Taylor & Francis Group |
Jahr | 2011 |
Seiten | 463 |
ISBN | 978 1 4398 1591 5 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Standort | Buch ausleihen |
e-Book | Link |
IEEE Press Series on Computational Intelligence
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | IEEE Press Series on Computational Intelligence |
Verlag | IEEE Press |
Jahr | 2011 |
Seiten | 358 |
ISBN | 978 0 470 27680 8 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Studies in Computational Intelligence
Complex-Valued Neural Networks with Multi-Valued Neurons
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Studies in Computational Intelligence |
Verlag | Springer-Verlag |
Jahr | 2011 |
Seiten | 262 |
ISBN | 978 3 642 20352 7 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Computational Intelligence
Computational Intelligence : Eine methodische Einführung in Künstliche Neuronale Netze, Evolutionäre Algorithmen, Fuzzy-Systeme und Bayes-Netze
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Computational Intelligence |
Verlag | Vieweg+Teubner |
Jahr | 2011 |
Seiten | 461 |
ISBN | 978 3 8348 1275 9 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems
Data Mining : Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques
Klassifikation | |
Auflage | 3rd ed. |
Reihe | The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems |
Verlag | Elsevier Morgan Kaufmann |
Jahr | 2011 |
Seiten | 629 |
ISBN | 978 0 12 374856 0 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Standort | Buch ausleihen |
e-Book | Link |
Intelligent Systems Reference Library
From Curve Fitting to Machine Learning : An Illustrative Guide to Scientific Data Analysis and Computational Intelligence
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Intelligent Systems Reference Library |
Verlag | Springer-Verlag |
Jahr | 2011 |
Seiten | 465 |
ISBN | 978 3 642 21279 6 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |