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NanoScience and Technology
Physics of Graphene
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | NanoScience and Technology |
Verlag | Springer International Publishing AG |
Jahr | 2014 |
Seiten | 350 |
ISBN | 978 3 319 02632 9 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Polymer and Polymer-Hybrid Nanoparticles : From Synthesis to Biomedical Applications
Klassifikation | |
Verlag | CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group |
Jahr | 2014 |
Seiten | 484 |
ISBN | 978 1 4398 6907 9 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Standort | Buch ausleihen |
e-Book | Link |
ACS Symposium Series
Polymer Precursor-Derived Carbon
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | ACS Symposium Series |
Verlag | American Chemical Society |
Jahr | 2014 |
Seiten | 243 |
ISBN | 978 0 8412 2966 2 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Standort | Buch ausleihen |
e-Book | Link |
Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomaterials
Porous Silicon for Biomedical Applications
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomaterials |
Verlag | Elsevier Woodhead Publishing Limited |
Jahr | 2014 |
Seiten | 526 |
ISBN | 978 0 85709 711 8 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Standort | Buch ausleihen |
e-Book | Link |
Praktikum in Werkstoffkunde : 95 ausführliche Versuche aus wichtigen Gebieten der Werkstofftechnik
Klassifikation | |
Auflage | 12., überarb. und erw. Aufl. |
Verlag | Springer Vieweg |
Jahr | 2014 |
Seiten | 766 |
ISBN | 978 3 658 05037 5 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomaterials
Precious Metals for Biomedical Applications
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomaterials |
Verlag | Elsevier Woodhead Publishing Limited |
Jahr | 2014 |
Seiten | 219 |
ISBN | 978 0 85709 434 6 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Standort | Buch ausleihen |
e-Book | Link |
Treatise on Process Metallurgy
Process Fundamentals
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Treatise on Process Metallurgy |
Verlag | Elsevier Science Ltd. |
Jahr | 2014 |
Seiten | 952 |
ISBN | 978 0 08 096986 2 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Treatise on Process Metallurgy
Process Phenomena
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Treatise on Process Metallurgy |
Verlag | Elsevier Science Ltd. |
Jahr | 2014 |
Seiten | 860 |
ISBN | 978 0 08 096984 8 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Woodhead Publishing Series in Textiles
Protective Clothing : Managing Thermal Stress
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Woodhead Publishing Series in Textiles |
Verlag | Elsevier Woodhead Publishing Limited |
Jahr | 2014 |
Seiten | 472 |
ISBN | 978 1 78242 032 3 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Standort | Buch ausleihen |
e-Book | Link |
Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomaterials
Rapid Prototyping of Biomaterials : Principles and Applications
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomaterials |
Verlag | Elsevier Woodhead Publishing Limited |
Jahr | 2014 |
Seiten | 308 |
ISBN | 978 0 85709 599 2 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Standort | Buch ausleihen |
e-Book | Link |
Woodhead Publishing Series in Metals and Surface Engineering
Rare Earth-based Corrosion Inhibitors
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Woodhead Publishing Series in Metals and Surface Engineering |
Verlag | Woodhead Publishing Limited |
Jahr | 2014 |
Seiten | 319 |
ISBN | 978 0 85709 347 9 |
Medium | Hardcover / Online im Internet |
Standort |
377 A
Buch ausleihen |
e-Book | Link |
Rare Metal Technology 2014 : Proceedings of a Symposium Sponsored by The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) held during TMS 2014, 143rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition, February 16-20, 2014, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, California, USA
Klassifikation | |
Verlag | John Wiley & Sons, Inc. |
Jahr | 2014 |
Seiten | 212 |
ISBN | 978 1 118 88882 7 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Engineering Materials
Recent Trends in Nanotechnology and Materials Science : Selected Review Papers from the 2013 International Conference on Manufacturing, Optimization, Industrial and Material Engineering (MOIME 2013)
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Engineering Materials |
Verlag | Springer International Publishing AG |
Jahr | 2014 |
Seiten | 103 |
ISBN | 978 3 319 04515 3 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
SpringerBriefs in Materials
Resorbable Fiber-Forming Polymers for Biotextile Applications
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | SpringerBriefs in Materials |
Verlag | Springer International Publishing AG |
Jahr | 2014 |
Seiten | 78 |
ISBN | 978 3 319 08304 9 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Advanced Materials Series
Responsive Materials and Methods : State-of-the-Art Stimuli-Responsive Materials and Their Applications
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Advanced Materials Series |
Verlag | Scrivener Publishing LLC |
Jahr | 2014 |
Seiten | 439 |
ISBN | 978 1 118 68622 5 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Textile Science and Clothing Technology
Roadmap to Sustainable Textiles and Clothing : Eco-friendly Raw Materials, Technologies, and Processing Methods
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Textile Science and Clothing Technology |
Verlag | Springer Science+Business Media |
Jahr | 2014 |
Seiten | 355 |
ISBN | 978 981 287 064 3 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Textile Science and Clothing Technology
Roadmap to Sustainable Textiles and Clothing : Environmental and Social Aspects of Textiles and Clothing Supply Chain
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Textile Science and Clothing Technology |
Verlag | Springer Science+Business Media |
Jahr | 2014 |
Seiten | 287 |
ISBN | 978 981 287 109 1 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomaterials
Semiconducting Silicon Nanowires for Biomedical Applications
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomaterials |
Verlag | Elsevier Woodhead Publishing Limited |
Jahr | 2014 |
Seiten | 277 |
ISBN | 978 0 85709 766 8 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Standort | Buch ausleihen |
e-Book | Link |
RSC Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Semiconductor Quantum Dots : Organometallic and Inorganic Synthesis
Klassifikation | |
Reihe | RSC Nanoscience and Nanotechnology |
Verlag | Royal Society of Chemistry |
Jahr | 2014 |
Seiten | 277 |
ISBN | 978 1 84973 985 6 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Standort | Buch ausleihen |
e-Book | Link |
Shape Casting : 5th International Symposium 2014 : Proceedings of a Symposium Sponsored by the Aluminum Committee of the Light Metals Division and the Solidification Committee of the Materials Processing & Manufacturing Division of TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), held during TMS 2014, 143rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition, February 16-20, 2014, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, California, USA
Klassifikation | |
Verlag | John Wiley & Sons, Inc. |
Jahr | 2014 |
Seiten | 312 |
ISBN | 978 1 118 88818 6 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |