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Monographiae Biologicae
Lake Titicaca : A Synthesis of Limnological Knowledge
Classification | |
Series | Monographiae Biologicae |
Publisher | Kluwer Academic Publishers |
Year | 1992 |
Pages | 573 |
ISBN | 0 7923 1663 0 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Location | Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
Marine Coastal Eutrophication : The Response of Marine Transitional Systems to Human Impact : Problems and Perspectives for Restoration : Proceedings of an International Conference, Bologna, Italy, 21-24 March 1990
Classification | |
Publisher | Elsevier Science B.V. |
Year | 1992 |
Pages | 1310 |
ISBN | 0 444 89990 1 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Location | Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
Ökologie und Technik : Analyse, Bewertung und Nutzung von Ökosystemen
Classification | |
Publisher | Springer-Verlag |
Year | 1992 |
Pages | 269 |
ISBN | 3 540 54328 7 |
Medium | Hardcover / Online im Internet |
Location | Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
Developments in Hydrobiology
Restoration and Recovery of Shallow Eutrophic Lake Ecosystems in The Netherlands : Proceedings of a Conference held in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 18-19 April 1991
Classification | |
Series | Developments in Hydrobiology |
Publisher | Kluwer Academic Publishers |
Year | 1992 |
Pages | 287 |
ISBN | 978 94 010 5073 9 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Advances in Ecological Research
The Ecological Consequences of Global Climate Change
Classification | |
Series | Advances in Ecological Research |
Publisher | Academic Press |
Year | 1992 |
Pages | 337 |
ISBN | 0 12 013922 7 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Location | Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
The State of the World's Mountains : A Global Report
Classification | |
Publisher | Zed Books Ltd. |
Year | 1992 |
Pages | 381 |
Medium | Paperback |
Location |
510 A
Borrow book |
Advances in Ecological Research
Classification | |
Series | Advances in Ecological Research |
Publisher | Academic Press |
Year | 1991 |
Pages | 403 |
ISBN | 0 12 013921 9 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Location | Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics
Classification | |
Series | Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics |
Publisher | Annual Reviews, Inc. |
Year | 1991 |
Pages | 592 |
ISBN | 0 8243 1422 0 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Location | Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
Angewandte Hydrobiologie : Trinkwasser, Abwasser, Gewässerschutz
Classification | |
Edition | 2. Aufl. |
Publisher | Georg Thieme Verlag |
Year | 1991 |
Pages | 272 |
ISBN | 3 13 671702 3 |
Medium | Hardcover |
Location |
510 C
Borrow book |
UTB für Wissenschaft
Arten- und Biotopschutz
Classification | |
Edition | 2. überarb. u. erweit. Aufl. |
Series | UTB für Wissenschaft |
Publisher | Verlag Eugen Ulmer |
Year | 1991 |
Pages | 519 |
ISBN | 3 8001 2630 3 |
Medium | Hardcover |
Location |
510 E
Borrow book |
Bioaccumulation in Aquatic Systems : Contributions to the Assessment : Proceedingds of an International Workshop, Berlin 1990
Classification | |
Publisher | VCH Verlagsgesellschaft |
Year | 1991 |
Pages | 245 |
ISBN | 3 527 28395 1 |
Medium | Hardcover |
Location |
510 C
Borrow book |
Deep-Sea Biology : A Natural History of Organisms at the Deep-Sea Floor
Classification | |
Publisher | Cambridge University Press |
Year | 1991 |
Pages | 504 |
ISBN | 0 521 33431 4 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Location | Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
Fundamentals of Aquatic Ecology
Classification | |
Edition | 2nd ed. |
Publisher | Blackwell Science Ltd. |
Year | 1991 |
Pages | 270 |
ISBN | 0 632 02983 8 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Geld und Natur : Das wirtschaftliche Wachstum im Spannungsfeld zwischen Ökonomie und Ökologie
Classification | |
Publisher | Weitbrecht |
Year | 1991 |
Pages | 240 |
ISBN | 3 522 70450 9 |
Medium | Hardcover |
Location |
509 C
Borrow book |
DUV Sozialwissenschaft
Industrialismus und Ökoromantik : Geschichte und Perspektiven der Ökologisierung
Classification | |
Series | DUV Sozialwissenschaft |
Publisher | Deutscher Universitätsverlag |
Year | 1991 |
Pages | 375 |
ISBN | 3 8244 4077 6 |
Medium | Paperback / Online im Internet |
Location |
509 C
Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
Cambridge Studies in Applied Ecology and Resource Management
Maasailand Ecology : Pastoralist Development and Wildlife Conservation in Ngorongoro, Tanzania
Classification | |
Series | Cambridge Studies in Applied Ecology and Resource Management |
Publisher | Cambridge University Press |
Year | 1991 |
Pages | 298 |
ISBN | 0 521 40002 3 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Location | Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
Modern Ecology : Basic and Applied Aspects
Classification | |
Publisher | Elsevier Science B.V. |
Year | 1991 |
Pages | 844 |
ISBN | 0 444 89183 8 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Location | Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
Conservation Biology Series
Monitoring for Conservation and Ecology
Classification | |
Series | Conservation Biology Series |
Publisher | Chapman & Hall |
Year | 1991 |
Pages | 275 |
ISBN | 0 412 35590 6 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Ecological Studies : Analysis and Synthesis
Nitrogen in Terrestrial Ecosystems : Questions of Productivity, Vegetational Changes, and Ecosystem Stability
Classification | |
Series | Ecological Studies : Analysis and Synthesis |
Publisher | Springer-Verlag |
Year | 1991 |
Pages | 115 |
ISBN | 3 540 51807 X |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Ökologie der Erde
Oekologische Grundlagen in globaler Sicht
Classification | |
Edition | 2., bearb. Aufl. |
Series | Ökologie der Erde |
Publisher | Gustav Fischer Verlag |
Year | 1991 |
Pages | 238 |
ISBN | 3 437 20454 8 |
Medium | Hardcover |
Location |
510 A
Borrow book |