Chemistry | Biology | Pharmacy Information Center

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to work smarter

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learning, teaching and research.


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Locker rental for the spring semester 2025


Locker rentals for the semester will begin at 8:00 am on Monday, February 17, 2025, at the Infodesk. The lockers are assigned on a first come, first serve basis.

Course Scientific Writing for Life Sciences and Chemistry


For the second time, Dr. Gina Cannarozzi is offering the course Scientific Writing for Life Sciences and Chemistry (1 ECTS), tailored for doctoral and Master’s students in life sciences, chemistry, and pharmaceutical sciences.

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Statistics made easy: On using statistics to draw conclusions


You have acquired experimental data, and now you need some kind of statistical evaluation for your publication. Would like to do this without being proficient in statistical theory, and without spending too much time on it? Then this course is for you!



An introduction to using the scientific literature for material science students

Type of Event: Introduction
Language: German
Time: 13:00–14:30
Place: HCI J4

General overview of the databases available at the ETH Zurich and the information solutions and services of the Information Center

Organic Compounds: Synthesis and Properties

Type of Event: Introduction
Language: German
Time: 15:45–17:30
Place: to be announced

Introduction for the students of the Laboratory Course in Inorganic and Organic Chemistry 1 (2nd semester).

Topic alerts – where and how? (No. 1)

Type of Event: Coffee Lecture
Language: English
Time: 13:00–13:10
Place: HCI G2 and

You need to be well-informed about what is happening in your research area?

Elsevier Researcher Academy (No. 39)

Type of Event: Coffee Lecture
Language: English
Time: 13:00–13:10
Place: HCI G2 and

Unlock your research potential with the free Elsevier Researcher Academy.

An overview of the NIST Chemistry Databases (No. 12)

Type of Event: Coffee Lecture
Language: English
Time: 13:00–13:10
Place: HCI G2 and

The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology provides 49 free and 41 fee-based scientific databases that are compliant with rigorous evaluation criteria.

Copyright and Open Access (No. 24)

Type of Event: Coffee Lecture
Language: English
Time: 13:00–13:10
Place: HCI G2 and

What is the difference between Green, Golden, Diamond, or Platinum Access? And between CC0 and CC BY-NC-ND?