Research Visualizations

Each year in May, when publications of the previous year have usually made it into the databases, we prepare visualizations of the research of the Department of Biology (D-BIOL) and the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences (D-CHAB) in the form of word clouds.

The images, derived from the titles of all articles published in the respective year, are retrieved using Scopus and the Scopus Author ID. Common English words are eliminated and the article titles are segmented. Multi-word terms are kept as a unit. The frequency of the remaining title words decides if and how big a particular word is represented in the cloud. Using our webtool a word cloud is generated that nicely presents the department's contribution to progress in science.

For visualizations on the institute level, follow the links below. We are happy to provide you also with customized visuals as well as individual representations up to research group level.

You can also try by yourself under , a brief how-to can be found here.