The Chemistry | Biology | Pharmacy Information Center is engaged in the education of students in the study programs of the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, the Department of Biology and the Department of Materials.
The effective and efficient use of the numerous scientific information solutions that are available today is essential for doing successful research, for e.g. planning, conducting and analyzing the experiments. Additionally, ther are also various information solutions that help you to effectively communicate your research results.
The Information Center is involved in both areas and training of students already starts in the 1st semester. The lectures and introductions given by the Information Center are part of various courses, their slides are available for downloading as PDFs on this page.
For doctoral students, postdocs and scientists, we offer an advanced lecture, which runs through the cycle of scientific information - starting with research and retrieval of information, leading to management and analysis of data up to visualization and publication of results, and finally, dissemination of new publications.
Additionally, the Information Center frequently gives Coffee Lectures, which are of interest to students as well as to researchers.
Chemistry, Chemical and Bioengineering
Semester | Subject | Lecture | PDFs |
1 | An introduction to using the scientific literature General overview of the databases available at the ETH Zurich and the information solutions and services of the Infocenter | Praktikum Allgemeine Chemie | Presentation, virtual tour |
1 | Searching physicochemical properties Database searches in Reaxys, SpringerMaterials and CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics | Praktikum Allgemeine Chemie | Presentation |
2 | Organic compounds: synthesis and properties Introduction to databases: Reaxys, SciFinder (compound and reaction search) and KnowItAll AnyWare (spectra) | Praktikum Organische und Anorganische Chemie I | Presentation and Summary |
3 | Searching for organometallic and inorganic compounds Reactions and properties in Reaxys, SciFinder and handbooks | Praktikum Organische und Anorganische Chemie II | Presentation, Schwarzenbach_I, Schwarzenbach_II |
5 | Accompanying seminar for chemical engineering case studies Tips and tricks for effective database searches (Detherm, SpringerMaterials, Scopus, Web of Knowledge, SciFinder-n) | Fallstudie für Chemieingenieure I | Presentation part 1, part 2, part 3, Example |
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Semester | Subject | Lecture | PDFs |
1 | An introduction to using the scientific literature General overview of the databases and tools available at the ETH Zurich and the information solutions and services of the Information Center | Praktikum Allgemeine Chemie | Presentation, virtual tour |
3 | Searching for organic compounds Searching in Reaxys and SciFinder (structures and reactions) and KnowItAll AnyWare (spectra) | Praktikum Organische Chemie für Biologen/Pharm. Wiss. (OCP I) | Presentation and Summary |
5 | Introduction to pharmaceutical information Resources and into Good Scientific Practice Find and retrieve information, keep an overview, manage your information, stay up-to-date and introduction to scientific research. | Fachpraktika, Pharmazeutische Wissenschaften | Presentation and Summary |
Semester | Subject | Lecture | PDFs |
1 | An introduction to using the scientific literature General overview of the databases and tools available at the ETH Zurich and the information solutions and services of the Information Center | Praktikum Allgemeine Chemie | Presentation, virtual tour |
3 | Searching for organic compounds Searching in Reaxys and SciFinder (structures, properties and reactions) and in KnowItAll AnyWare and SDBS (spectra) | Praktikum Organische Chemie für Biologen/Pharm.Wiss. (OCP 1) | Presentation and Summary |
Materials Science
Semester | Subject | Lecture | PDFs |
2 | An introduction to using the scientific literature General overview of the databases available at the ETH Zurich and the information solutions and services of the Infocenter | Projekte und Praktika 2 | Presentation,virtual tour |
3 | Information about polymers Searching in Scopus, Reaxys, SciFinder, AccessEngineering, SpringerMaterials | Projekte und Praktika 3 | Presentation |
Interdisciplinary Sciences and Biochemistry – Chemical Biology
Semester | Subject | Lecture | PDFs |
1 | An introduction to using the scientific literature General overview of the databases available at the ETH Zurich and the information solutions and services of the Information Center | Praktikum Allgemeine Chemie | Presentation, virtual tour |
Lectures for Master's and PhD students
Title | Course Material | |
Introduction to the services of the Chemistry | Biology | Pharmacy Info Center For incoming Master students | Presentation and Summary | |
511-0007-00 | Scientific Writing & Presenting (2 ECTS) For Master students in Pharmaceutical Sciences | Will be announced in the course |
529-0195-00 | Scientific Information Retrieval & Management in Life Science and Chemistry (2 ECTS) For doctoral students of the departments D-HEST, D-BIOL, D-MATL und D-CHAB | Will be announced in the course |
529-0079-00L | Scientific Writing for Life Sciences and Chemistry In this course, students learn how to 1) structure, write, and revise scientific texts for different target audiences in English, 2) publish their work, and 3) communicate the importance of their work to others. | Will be announced in the course |
Apprentice Lab D-CHAB
Lehrjahr | Titel | Lehrmaterial |
1 | An introduction to using the scientific literature General overview of the information solutions and services of the Information Center | Presentation: Part 1, Part 2 |
2 | Synthesis Searching substances and reactions in Reaxys and SciFinder | Presentation: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Exercises |
2 | Analytics Searching physical properties, GC data and spectra in Reaxys, SciFinder-n, KnowItAll AnyWare, SDBD and NIST Chemistry WebBook | Presentation: Part 1, Part 2, Summary, Exercises |