Coffee Lectures


Coffee Lectures present important databases, tools and concepts in an entertaining way and in just 10 minutes. Because you can only use what you know

Since the 29th series, you can find the recordings of the Coffee Lectures on YouTube.

The Chemistry | Biology | Pharmacy Information Center began offering Coffee Lectures in December 2013, and by now more than 114 libraries have already adopted this format. Our Coffee Lectures take place in blocks of 3 weeks, always on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, and always start at 1 pm sharp with free coffee or tea and chocolate. For each Coffee Lecture you will receive a Coffee Lecture Card summarizing the most important information. We will announce new series in our News, and you will also find the dates and topics in the Event Calendar (where you can also filter by Coffee Lectures).

All topics can be found in the Coffee Lecture Collector's Card Album (PDF)

Coffee Lecture User Group

If you plan to introduce Coffee Lectures at your institution, there is also a Coffee Lecture User Group website with literature, an exchange platform, presentations of the 1. Coffee Lecture User Group Meeting and a list of all institutions that use this format.