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An Introduction to the Natural System of Botany : Or, a Systematic View of the Organisation, Natural Affinities, and Geographical Distribution, of the Whole Vegetable Kingdom
Classification | |
Publisher | Cambridge University Press |
Year | 2015 |
Pages | 374 |
ISBN | 978 1 108 07665 4 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Location | Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomedicine
Applied Plant Genomics and Biotechnology
Classification | |
Series | Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomedicine |
Publisher | Elsevier Woodhead Publishing Limited |
Year | 2015 |
Pages | 315 |
ISBN | 978 0 08 100068 7 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Location | Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
Plant Science Research and Practices
Arabidopsis Thaliana : Cultivation, Life Cycle & Functional Genomics
Classification | |
Series | Plant Science Research and Practices |
Publisher | Nova Science Publishers |
Year | 2015 |
Pages | 171 |
ISBN | 978 1 63482 152 0 |
Medium | Hardcover |
Location |
512 F
Borrow book |
Tropical Forestry
Bamboo : The Plant and its Uses
Classification | |
Series | Tropical Forestry |
Publisher | Springer International Publishing AG |
Year | 2015 |
Pages | 356 |
ISBN | 978 3 319 14132 9 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Location | Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
Berichte zu Pflanzenschutzmitteln 2013 : Jahresbericht Pflanzenschutz-Kontrollprogramm
Classification | |
Series | BVL-Reporte |
Publisher | Springer International Publishing AG |
Year | 2015 |
Pages | 37 |
ISBN | 978 3 319 11566 5 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Bestimmungsschlüssel zur Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete
Classification | |
Edition | 7.,aktual. u. erw. Aufl. |
Publisher | Springer AG |
Year | 2015 |
Pages | 712 |
ISBN | 978 3 0348 0895 8 |
Medium | Paperback / Online im Internet |
Location |
511 E
/ 511 E
Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Plants
Classification | |
Edition | 2nd ed. |
Publisher | Wiley-Blackwell |
Year | 2015 |
Pages | 1264 |
ISBN | 978 0 470 71421 8 |
Medium | Paperback |
Location |
514 A
/ 514 A
Borrow book |
Soil Biology
Biocontrol of Lepidopteran Pests : Use of Soil Microbes and their Metabolites
Classification | |
Series | Soil Biology |
Publisher | Springer International Publishing AG |
Year | 2015 |
Pages | 344 |
ISBN | 978 3 319 14498 6 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Biological Nitrogen Fixation
Classification | |
Publisher | Wiley-Blackwell |
Year | 2015 |
Pages | 1196 |
ISBN | 978 1 118 63704 3 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Biopesticides Handbook
Classification | |
Publisher | CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group |
Year | 2015 |
Pages | 292 |
ISBN | 978 1 4665 9652 8 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
UTB Biologie, Ökologie, Agrar- und Forstwissenschaften
Botanische Bestimmungsübungen : Praktische Einführung in die Planzenbestimmung
Classification | |
Edition | 3., vollst. aktual. Aufl. |
Series | UTB Biologie, Ökologie, Agrar- und Forstwissenschaften |
Publisher | Verlag Eugen Ulmer |
Year | 2015 |
Pages | 117 |
ISBN | 978 3 8252 8549 4 |
Medium | Paperback |
Location |
511 D
Borrow book |
Botany for Ladies : Or, A Popular Introduction to the Natural System of Plants, According to the Classification of De Candolle
Classification | |
Publisher | Cambridge University Press |
Year | 2015 |
Pages | 493 |
ISBN | 978 1 108 07563 3 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Location | Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
Clusterbean : Physiology, Genetics and Cultivation
Classification | |
Publisher | Springer Science+Business Media |
Year | 2015 |
Pages | 151 |
ISBN | 978 981 287 905 9 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Cocoa : All about It
Classification | |
Publisher | Cambridge University Press |
Year | 2015 |
Pages | 114 |
ISBN | 978 1 108 08227 3 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Combined Stresses in Plants : Physiological, Molecular, and Biochemical Aspects
Classification | |
Publisher | Springer International Publishing AG |
Year | 2015 |
Pages | 264 |
ISBN | 978 3 319 07898 4 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Crop Physiology : Applications for Genetic Improvement and Agronomy
Classification | |
Edition | 2nd ed. |
Publisher | Elsevier Academic Press |
Year | 2015 |
Pages | 551 |
ISBN | 978 0 12 417104 6 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Crop Wild Relatives and Climate Change
Classification | |
Publisher | Wiley-Blackwell |
Year | 2015 |
Pages | 367 |
ISBN | 978 1 118 85433 4 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Current Technologies in Plant Molecular Breeding : A Guide Book of Plant Molecular Breeding for Researchers
Classification | |
Publisher | Springer Science+Business Media B.V. |
Year | 2015 |
Pages | 352 |
ISBN | 978 94 017 9995 9 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Das geheime Leben der Bäume : Was sie fühlen, wie sie kommunizieren - die Entdeckung einer verborgenen Welt
Classification | |
Edition | 9. Aufl. |
Publisher | Ludwig Verlag |
Year | 2015 |
Pages | 223 |
ISBN | 978 3 453 28067 0 |
Medium | Hardcover |
Location |
513 B
Borrow book |
Das verborgene Leben des Waldes : ein Jahr Naturbeobachtung
Classification | |
Publisher | Verlag Antje Kunstmann |
Year | 2015 |
Pages | 325 |
ISBN | 978 3 95614 061 7 |
Medium | Hardcover |
Location |
513 B
Borrow book |