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Crop Post-Harvest : Science and Technology
Durables : Case Studies in the Handling and Storage of Durable Commodities
Classification | |
Series | Crop Post-Harvest : Science and Technology |
Publisher | Blackwell Science Ltd. |
Year | 2004 |
Pages | 274 |
ISBN | 0 632 05724 6 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Location | Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
Enzyklopädie der essbaren Wildpflanzen : 1500 Pflanzen Mitteleuropas mit 400 Farbfotos
Classification | |
Edition | 2. Aufl. |
Publisher | AT Verlag |
Year | 2004 |
Pages | 411 |
ISBN | 3 85502 889 3 |
Medium | Hardcover |
Location |
513 C
Borrow book |
Etymological Dictionary of Succulent Plant Names
Classification | |
Publisher | Springer-Verlag |
Year | 2004 |
Pages | 266 |
ISBN | 3 540 00489 0 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants
Flowering Plants. Dicotyledons : Celastrales, Oxalidales, Rosales, Cornales, Ericales
Classification | |
Series | The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants |
Publisher | Springer-Verlag |
Year | 2004 |
Pages | 489 |
ISBN | 3 540 06512 1 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Location | Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
Physiological Ecology : A Series of Monographs, Texts, and Treatises
Forest Canopies
Classification | |
Edition | 2nd ed. |
Series | Physiological Ecology : A Series of Monographs, Texts, and Treatises |
Publisher | Elsevier Academic Press |
Year | 2004 |
Pages | 517 |
ISBN | 0 12 457553 6 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Location | Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
Disease Management of Fruits and Vegetables
Fruit and Vegetable Diseases
Classification | |
Series | Disease Management of Fruits and Vegetables |
Publisher | Kluwer Academic Publishers |
Year | 2004 |
Pages | 554 |
ISBN | 1 4020 1976 9 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Location | Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
Genetically Modified Crops : Their Development, Uses, and Risks
Classification | |
Publisher | The Food Products Press |
Year | 2004 |
Pages | 394 |
ISBN | 1 56022 280 8 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Genetically Modified Planet : Environmental Impacts of Genetically Engineered Plants
Classification | |
Publisher | Oxford University Press |
Year | 2004 |
Pages | 240 |
ISBN | 0 19 515745 1 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Location | Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
Springer - Lehrbuch
Gentechnik bei Pflanzen : Chancen und Risiken
Classification | |
Edition | 2., überarb. u. erw. Aufl. |
Series | Springer - Lehrbuch |
Publisher | Springer-Verlag |
Year | 2004 |
Pages | 245 |
ISBN | 3 540 01216 8 |
Medium | Paperback |
Location |
KC11 2 A
Borrow book |
Flora alpina : Ein Atlas sämtlicher 4500 Gefässpflanzen der Alpen
Gentianaceae - Orchidaceae
Classification | |
Series | Flora alpina : Ein Atlas sämtlicher 4500 Gefässpflanzen der Alpen |
Publisher | Paul Haupt Verlag |
Year | 2004 |
Pages | 1188 |
ISBN | 3 258 06600 0 |
Medium | Hardcover |
Location |
511 D
Borrow book |
Insect Pest Management : Field and Protected Crops
Classification | |
Publisher | Springer-Verlag |
Year | 2004 |
Pages | 344 |
ISBN | 3 540 20755 4 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Integrated Pest Management : Potential, Constraints and Challenges
Classification | |
Publisher | CABI Publishing (CAB International) |
Year | 2004 |
Pages | 329 |
ISBN | 0 85199 686 8 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Location | Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
Legume Crop Genomics
Classification | |
Publisher | American Oil Chemists' Society |
Year | 2004 |
Pages | 362 |
ISBN | 1 893997 48 0 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Location | Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
Lehrbuch der Geobotanik : Pflanze und Vegetation in Raum und Zeit
Classification | |
Edition | 2. Aufl. |
Publisher | Elsevier Spektrum Akademischer Verlag |
Year | 2004 |
Pages | 528 |
ISBN | 3 8274 1193 9 |
Medium | Hardcover |
Location |
KC09 2 F
Borrow book |
Plant Breeding Reviews
Long-term Selection : Crops, Animals, and Bacteria
Classification | |
Series | Plant Breeding Reviews |
Publisher | John Wiley & Sons, Inc. |
Year | 2004 |
Pages | 290 |
ISBN | 0 471 46892 4 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Location | Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
Plant Breeding Reviews
Long-Term Selection : Maize
Classification | |
Series | Plant Breeding Reviews |
Publisher | John Wiley & Sons, Inc. |
Year | 2004 |
Pages | 361 |
ISBN | 0 471 35316 7 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Location | Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants
lowering Plants. Dicotyledons : Lamiales (except Acanthaceae including Avicenniaceae)
Classification | |
Series | The Families and Genera of Vascular Plants |
Publisher | Springer-Verlag |
Year | 2004 |
Pages | 478 |
ISBN | 3 540 40593 3 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Flora alpina : Ein Atlas sämtlicher 4500 Gefässpflanzen der Alpen
Lycopodiaceae - Apiaceae
Classification | |
Series | Flora alpina : Ein Atlas sämtlicher 4500 Gefässpflanzen der Alpen |
Publisher | Paul Haupt Verlag |
Year | 2004 |
Pages | 1159 |
ISBN | 3 258 06600 0 |
Medium | Hardcover |
Location |
511 D
Borrow book |
Developments in Plant Breeding
Molecular Breeding of Forage and Turf : Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium, Molecular Breeding of Forage and Turf, Dallas, Texas, and Ardmore, Oklahoma, U.S.A., May, 18-22, 2003
Classification | |
Series | Developments in Plant Breeding |
Publisher | Kluwer Academic Publishers |
Year | 2004 |
Pages | 395 |
ISBN | 1 4020 1867 3 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |