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Philosophy and Medicine
Building Bioethics : Conversations with Clouser and Friends on Medical Ethics
Classification | |
Series | Philosophy and Medicine |
Publisher | Kluwer Academic Publishers |
Year | 1999 |
Pages | 250 |
ISBN | 0 7923 5853 8 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Location | Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
Philosophy and Medicine
Confucian Bioethics
Classification | |
Series | Philosophy and Medicine |
Publisher | Kluwer Academic Publishers |
Year | 1999 |
Pages | 316 |
ISBN | 0 7923 5723 X |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Location | Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
Acta Historica Leopoldina (Hrsg.: Uschmann Georg)
Geschichte der Mikrobiologie
Classification | |
Series | Acta Historica Leopoldina (Hrsg.: Uschmann Georg) |
Publisher | Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina |
Year | 1999 |
Pages | 280 |
ISBN | 3 8304 5010 9 |
Medium | Hardcover |
Location |
KC07 2 D
Borrow book |
Philosophy and Medicine
Persons and Their Bodies : Rights, Responsibilities, Relationships
Classification | |
Series | Philosophy and Medicine |
Publisher | Kluwer Academic Publishers |
Year | 1999 |
Pages | 400 |
ISBN | 0 7923 5701 9 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Location | Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
Biomedical Ethics Reviews
Human Cloning
Classification | |
Series | Biomedical Ethics Reviews |
Publisher | Humana Press Inc. |
Year | 1998 |
Pages | 214 |
ISBN | 0 89603 565 4 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Novartis Foundation Symposium
The Limits of Reductionism in Biology
Classification | |
Series | Novartis Foundation Symposium |
Publisher | John Wiley & Sons Ltd. |
Year | 1998 |
Pages | 228 |
ISBN | 0 471 97770 5 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Location | Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
Gentechnik, Ethik und Gesellschaft
Classification | |
Publisher | Springer-Verlag |
Year | 1997 |
Pages | 249 |
ISBN | 3 540 61813 9 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Location | Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
People and Ideas Series
Moving Questions : A History of Membrane Transport and Bioenergetics
Classification | |
Series | People and Ideas Series |
Publisher | Oxford University Press |
Year | 1997 |
Pages | 373 |
ISBN | 0 19 510564 8 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Bioethics Yearbook
Theological Developments in Bioethics : 1992–1994
Classification | |
Series | Bioethics Yearbook |
Publisher | Kluwer Academic Publishers |
Year | 1997 |
Pages | 301 |
ISBN | 0 7923 4428 6 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Theophil : Zürcher Beiträge zu Religion und Philosophie
Würde der Kreatur : Essays zu einem kontroversen Thema
Classification | |
Series | Theophil : Zürcher Beiträge zu Religion und Philosophie |
Publisher | Pano Verlag |
Year | 1997 |
Pages | 136 |
ISBN | 3 907576 00 4 |
Medium | Paperback |
Location |
501 A
Borrow book |
Geschichte der Biologie
17. und 18. Jahrhundert
Classification | |
Series | Geschichte der Biologie |
Publisher | Peter Lang |
Year | 1996 |
Pages | 500 |
ISBN | 3631303173 |
Medium | Hardcover |
Location |
501 C
Borrow book |
Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Biology
Complexity and the Function of Mind in Nature
Classification | |
Series | Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Biology |
Publisher | Cambridge University Press |
Year | 1996 |
Pages | 311 |
ISBN | 0 521 45166 3 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Location | Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
Microbe Hunters
Classification | |
Publisher | Harcourt / Academic Press |
Year | 1996 |
Pages | 357 |
ISBN | 978 0 15 602777 9 |
Medium | Paperback |
Location |
501 D
Borrow book |
The Eighth Day of Creation : Makers of the Revolution in Biology
Classification | |
Edition | Expand. Ed. |
Publisher | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press |
Year | 1996 |
Pages | 714 |
ISBN | 0 87969 478 5 |
Medium | Paperback |
Location |
501 C
Borrow book |
Monographs on the History and Philosophy of Biology (Eds.: Burian Richard ; Burkhardt Richard Jr. ; Lewontin Richard ; Smith John Manyard)
The Molecular Vision of Life : Caltech, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Rise of the New Biology
Classification | |
Series | Monographs on the History and Philosophy of Biology (Eds.: Burian Richard ; Burkhardt Richard Jr. ; Lewontin Richard ; Smith John Manyard) |
Publisher | Oxford University Press |
Year | 1996 |
Pages | 304 |
ISBN | 0195111435 |
Medium | Paperback |
Location |
KC06 1 F
Borrow book |
Bioethics Yearbook
Regional Developments in Bioethics : 1991–1993
Classification | |
Series | Bioethics Yearbook |
Publisher | Kluwer Academic Publishers |
Year | 1995 |
Pages | 431 |
ISBN | 0 7923 3237 7 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
What is Life? The Next Fifty Years : Speculations on the Future of Biology
Classification | |
Publisher | Cambridge University Press |
Year | 1995 |
Pages | 191 |
ISBN | 0 521 45509 X |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Location | Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
Contemporary Issues in Biomedicine, Ethics, and Society
The Health Care Ethics Consultant
Classification | |
Series | Contemporary Issues in Biomedicine, Ethics, and Society |
Publisher | Humana Press Inc. |
Year | 1994 |
Pages | 209 |
ISBN | 0 89603 278 7 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Biomedical Ethics Reviews
Classification | |
Series | Biomedical Ethics Reviews |
Publisher | Humana Press Inc. |
Year | 1993 |
Pages | 225 |
ISBN | 978 1 4757 4640 2 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Location | Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
Am Faden des Lebens : Warum wir die Gentechnik brauchen
Classification | |
Publisher | Piper Verlag |
Year | 1993 |
Pages | 364 |
ISBN | 3 492 03649 X |
Medium | Hardcover |
Location |
KC07 2 D
Borrow book |