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Mathematics Education Library
Dialogue and Learning in Mathematics Education : Intention, Reflection, Critique
Classification | |
Series | Mathematics Education Library |
Publisher | Kluwer Academic Publishers |
Year | 2002 |
Pages | 284 |
ISBN | 1 4020 0998 4 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Location | Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
PONS Wörterbuch für Schule und Studium
Englisch-Deutsch : Teil 1
Classification | |
Edition | Nachdruck, Vollst. Neuentwicklung |
Series | PONS Wörterbuch für Schule und Studium |
Publisher | Klett |
Year | 2002 |
Pages | 1562 |
ISBN | 3 12 517501 1 |
Medium | Hardcover |
Location |
574 B
Borrow book |
EPA (Europäisches Patentamt) : Der Weg zum europäischen Patent
Leitfaden für Anmelder : Euro-PCT
Classification | |
Edition | 2. Aufl. |
Series | EPA (Europäisches Patentamt) : Der Weg zum europäischen Patent |
Publisher | Europäisches Patentamt (EPA) |
Year | 2002 |
Pages | 36 |
Medium | Paperback |
Location |
578 F
Borrow book |
Studies in Writing
New Directions for Research in L2 Writing
Classification | |
Series | Studies in Writing |
Publisher | Kluwer Academic Publishers |
Year | 2002 |
Pages | 276 |
ISBN | 978 1 4020 0539 8 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Polymere und Patente : Karl Ziegler, das Team, 1953-1998
Classification | |
Publisher | Wiley-VCH |
Year | 2002 |
Pages | 310 |
ISBN | 3 527 30498 3 |
Medium | Paperback |
Location |
578 F
Borrow book |
Pons Grosswörterbuch für Experten und Universität : Englisch-Deutsch / Deutsch-Englisch : mit Daumenregister
Classification | |
Edition | vollst. Neuentwicklung |
Publisher | Ernst Klett Sprachen |
Year | 2002 |
Pages | 929 |
ISBN | 3 12 517169 5 |
Medium | Hardcover |
Location |
574 B
Borrow book |
Pons Grosswörterbuch für Experten und Universität : Französisch-Deutsch / Deutsch-Französisch : mit Daumenregister
Classification | |
Edition | Nachdr. d. 1. Aufl. |
Publisher | Ernst Klett Sprachen |
Year | 2002 |
Pages | 771 |
ISBN | 3 12 517259 4 |
Medium | Hardcover |
Location |
574 C
Borrow book |
Research Proposals : A Guide to Success
Classification | |
Edition | 3rd ed. |
Publisher | Academic Press |
Year | 2002 |
Pages | 368 |
ISBN | 0 12 524733 8 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Location | Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
Russisch-Deutsch / Deutsch-Russisch : Pons Kompaktwörterbuch für alle Fälle
Classification | |
Edition | vollst. Neuentwicklung |
Publisher | Ernst Klett Sprachen |
Year | 2002 |
Pages | 607 |
ISBN | 3 12 517108 3 |
Medium | Hardcover |
Location |
574 C
Borrow book |
Sicher präsentieren - wirksamer vortragen : Tips und Tricks für die Praxis, visuelle und verbale Techniken, Überzeugungsstrategie und Argumentationstechnik, von Flip-Chart bis Power-Point
Classification | |
Edition | 6., akt. Aufl. |
Publisher | Redline Wirtschaft bei Überreuter |
Year | 2002 |
Pages | 448 |
ISBN | 3 8323 0928 4 |
Medium | Hardcover |
Location |
575 D
Borrow book |
Studienführer Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie
Classification | |
Publisher | Lexika |
Year | 2002 |
Pages | 174 |
ISBN | 3 89694 287 5 |
Medium | Paperback |
Location |
KC03 1 C
Borrow book |
Science & Technology Education Library
Teaching and Learning in the Science Laboratory
Classification | |
Series | Science & Technology Education Library |
Publisher | Kluwer Academic Publishers |
Year | 2002 |
Pages | 267 |
ISBN | 1 4020 1018 4 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Location | Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
Mathematics Education Library
Transitions between Contexts of Mathematical Practices
Classification | |
Series | Mathematics Education Library |
Publisher | Kluwer Academic Publishers |
Year | 2002 |
Pages | 246 |
ISBN | 0 7923 7185 2 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Location | Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
Books in Library and Information Science
Using the Agricultural, Environmental, and Food Literature
Classification | |
Series | Books in Library and Information Science |
Publisher | Marcel Dekker |
Year | 2002 |
Pages | 533 |
ISBN | 0 8247 0800 8 |
Medium | Hardcover / Online im Internet |
Location |
577 F
Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
Mathematics Education Library
What Counts As Mathematics? : Technologies of Power in Adult and Vocational Education
Classification | |
Series | Mathematics Education Library |
Publisher | Kluwer Academic Publishers |
Year | 2002 |
Pages | 274 |
ISBN | 1 4020 0668 3 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Who Wants to be a Scientist? : Choosing Science as a Career
Classification | |
Publisher | Cambridge University Press |
Year | 2002 |
Pages | 166 |
ISBN | 0 521 81773 0 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Location | Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
Parat Wörterbuch / Dictionary
Wörterbuch Chemie : Deutsch/Englisch = Dictionary of Chemistry : German/English
Classification | |
Edition | 3. Nachdruck |
Series | Parat Wörterbuch / Dictionary |
Publisher | VCH Verlagsgesellschaft |
Year | 2002 |
Pages | 2041 |
ISBN | 3 527 26429 9 |
Medium | Hardcover |
Location |
574 E
/ 574 E
Borrow book |
Worterbuch der Veterinarmedizin und Biowissenschaften / Dictionary of Veterinary Medicine and Biosciences / Dictionnaire de medecine veterinaire et des sciences biologiques
Classification | |
Edition | 3rd ed. |
Publisher | Parey Buchverlag |
Year | 2002 |
Pages | 1678 |
ISBN | 3 8263 3405 1 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Location | Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
Abbreviations Dictionary
Classification | |
Edition | 10th ed. |
Publisher | CRC Press |
Year | 2001 |
Pages | 1529 |
ISBN | 0 8493 9003 6 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Location | Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
Biomedical Communications : Purposes, Audiences, and Strategies
Classification | |
Publisher | Academic Press |
Year | 2001 |
Pages | 458 |
ISBN | 0 12 496751 5 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
Location | Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |