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Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
Advances in Artificial Intelligence : 28th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Canadian AI 2015, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, June 2-5, 2015, Proceedings
Classification | |
Series | Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence |
Publisher | Springer International Publishing AG |
Year | 2015 |
Pages | 359 |
ISBN | 978 3 319 18355 8 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues
Advances in Computational Intelligence : 13th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2015, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, June 10-12, 2015. Proceedings, Part II
Classification | |
Series | Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues |
Publisher | Springer International Publishing AG |
Year | 2015 |
Pages | 620 |
ISBN | 978 3 319 19221 5 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues
Advances in Computational Intelligence : 13th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2015, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, June 10-12, 2015. Proceedings, Part I
Classification | |
Series | Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues |
Publisher | Springer International Publishing AG |
Year | 2015 |
Pages | 612 |
ISBN | 978 3 319 19257 4 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Information Systems and Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI
Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XIV : 14th International Symposium, IDA 2015, Saint Etienne. France, October 22-24, 2015, Proceedings
Classification | |
Series | Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Information Systems and Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI |
Publisher | Springer International Publishing AG |
Year | 2015 |
Pages | 346 |
ISBN | 978 3 319 24464 8 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues
Advances in Neural Networks - ISNN 2015 : 12th International Symposium on Neural Networks, ISNN 2015, Jeju, South Korea, October 15-18, 2015, Proceedings
Classification | |
Series | Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues |
Publisher | Springer International Publishing AG |
Year | 2015 |
Pages | 510 |
ISBN | 978 3 319 25392 3 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
Artificial General Intelligence : 8th International Conference, AGI 2015, AGI 2015, Berlin, Germany, July 22-25, 2015, Proceedings
Classification | |
Series | Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence |
Publisher | Springer International Publishing AG |
Year | 2015 |
Pages | 416 |
ISBN | 978 3 319 21364 4 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine : 15th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, AIME 2015, Pavia, Italy, June 17-20, 2015, Proceedings
Classification | |
Series | Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence |
Publisher | Springer International Publishing AG |
Year | 2015 |
Pages | 345 |
ISBN | 978 3 319 19550 6 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Artificial Intelligence Tools : Decision Support Systems in Condition Monitoring and DIagnosis
Classification | |
Publisher | CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group |
Year | 2015 |
Pages | 523 |
ISBN | 978 1 4665 8405 1 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Springer Protocols
Methods in Molecular Biology (New York, NY, United States)
Artificial Neural Networks
Classification | |
Edition | 2nd ed. |
Series | Springer Protocols Methods in Molecular Biology (New York, NY, United States) |
Publisher | Humana Press (Springer Science+Business Media) |
Year | 2015 |
Pages | 340 |
ISBN | 978 1 4939 2238 3 |
Medium | Hardcover / Online im Internet |
Location |
571 C
Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
Computational Collective Intelligence : 7th International Conference, ICCCI 2015, Madrid, Spain, September 21-23, 2015, Proceedings, Part I
Classification | |
Series | Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence |
Publisher | Springer International Publishing AG |
Year | 2015 |
Pages | 515 |
ISBN | 978 3 319 24068 8 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
Computational Collective Intelligence : 7th International Conference, ICCCI 2015, Madrid, Spain, September 21-23, 2015, Proceedings, Part II
Classification | |
Series | Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence |
Publisher | Springer International Publishing AG |
Year | 2015 |
Pages | 661 |
ISBN | 978 3 319 24305 4 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Springer-Lehrbuch : Computational Intelligence
Computational Intelligence : Eine methodische Einführung in Künstliche Neuronale Netze, Evolutionäre Algorithmen, Fuzzy-Systeme und Bayes-Netze
Classification | |
Edition | 2., überarb. und erw. Aufl. |
Series | Springer-Lehrbuch : Computational Intelligence |
Publisher | Springer Vieweg |
Year | 2015 |
Pages | 515 |
ISBN | 978 3 658 10903 5 |
Medium | Paperback / Online im Internet |
Location |
571 A
Borrow book |
e-Book | Link |
Studies in Computational Intelligence
Computational Intelligence Applications in Modeling and Control
Classification | |
Series | Studies in Computational Intelligence |
Publisher | Springer International Publishing AG |
Year | 2015 |
Pages | 430 |
ISBN | 978 3 319 11016 5 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Communications in Computer and Information Science
Engineering Applications of Neural Networks : 16th International Conference, EANN 2015, Rhodes, Greece, September 25-28 2015, Proceedings
Classification | |
Series | Communications in Computer and Information Science |
Publisher | Springer International Publishing AG |
Year | 2015 |
Pages | 402 |
ISBN | 978 3 319 23981 1 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Evolutionäre Algorithmen
Classification | |
Edition | 3., überarb. und erw. Aufl. |
Publisher | Springer Vieweg |
Year | 2015 |
Pages | 331 |
ISBN | 978 3 658 09957 2 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Exploring Neural Networks with C#
Classification | |
Publisher | CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group |
Year | 2015 |
Pages | 282 |
ISBN | 978 1 4822 3339 1 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
Foundations of Augmented Cognition : 9th International Conference, AC 2015, Held as Part of HCI International 2015, Los Angeles, CA, USA, August 2-7, 2015, Proceedings
Classification | |
Series | Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence |
Publisher | Springer International Publishing AG |
Year | 2015 |
Pages | 837 |
ISBN | 978 3 319 20815 2 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
Foundations of Intelligent Systems : 22nd International Symposium, ISMIS 2015, Lyon, France, October 21-23, 2015, Proceedings
Classification | |
Series | Lecture Notes in Computer Science : Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence |
Publisher | Springer International Publishing AG |
Year | 2015 |
Pages | 466 |
ISBN | 978 3 319 25251 3 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |
Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing
Fuzzy Logic : An Introductory Course for Engineering Students
Classification | |
Series | Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing |
Publisher | Springer International Publishing AG |
Year | 2015 |
Pages | 204 |
ISBN | 978 3 319 14202 9 |
Medium | Online im Internet |
e-Book | Link |