SIB Course: Statistics and Machine Learning for Life Sciences


The Swiss Institution of Bioinformatics and the Chemistry | Biology | Pharmacy Information Center offer a two-day course on December 5–6, 2024, entitled Statistics and Machine Learning for Life Sciences.

Statistics are an integral aspect of scientific research, particularly in the life sciences that rely heavily on quantitative methodologies. Statistics are essential for gaining new insights into the relationships between different biological measurements and variables.

Machine learning (ML) can also be used to make sense of large and complex data. It can be very useful in mining large biological datasets to uncover new insights.

This course was designed to guide participants in the exploration of the concepts of statistical modelling, and at the same time relate and contrast them with machine learning approaches when it comes to both classification and regression.

The focus of the course will be on producing models that provide new biological insight and the evaluation and interpretation of these models.

For more information and to register, click here.

Type of Event: Workshop
Language: English
Time: 09:00–18:00
Place: to be announced
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