9. Series of Coffee Lectures


Once spring semester 2016 is over the 9th series of Coffee Lectures is starting. We are going to repeat some topics but will also have three new ones.

The nine Coffee Lectures of our 9th series are recommended for students, doctoral students/post-docs and professors/senior scientists but also for administrative staff there are some interesting lectures. As always, there is complimentary coffee or tea and maybe even some chocolate. Grow and complement your collection of Coffee Lecture Cards. Don't miss to enter the dates into your calendar. This can be easily done through our events calendar. Just <link en whats-up events>filter for Coffee Lectures and click on "Add to own calendar".

The flyer can be downloaded <link http: www.infozentrum.ethz.ch uploads user_upload pdf news coffeelecture_9_flyer_en.pdf _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>here.
