Celebrate with us the World Book Day (1)!
Give your kids a thrilling book in celebration of the World Book Day on April 23 – free copies can be picked up at the Infodesk on April 23.
The World Book and Copyright is a yearly event on April 23, organized by the UNESCO, to promote reading, publishing and copyright. The day refers to a Catalonian tradition of exchanging books and roses between loved and respected people on St. George's Day.
Your publications are most likely not yet suitable to be handed over as a gift to your children or grandchildren. However, if you have kids aged from about 9 to 12 years you can pick up a free book for them as a gift at our Infodesk. The German foundation "Stiftung Lesen" publishes each year a book entitled "Ich schenke Dir eine Geschichte" (I give you a story). This year it is "Die Krokodilbande in geheimer Mission". Thus, visit us on April 23 as soon as possible – the stock is limited.
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