EMBASE on trial until July 3, 2015
The ETH Library has arranged a trial for the Elsevier database EMBASE (<link https: www.embase.com>www.embase.com), the most comprehensive biomedical literature search tool.
It indexes over 8,400 journals of which 2,800 are not covered by MEDLINE. It also covers abstracts from over 1,000 conferences resulting in 300,000+ conference abstracts per year - advanced information that can't be found by searching MEDLINE alone.
All MEDLINE records (de-duplicated) are included also as Cochrane reviews. A unique feature is the in-depth drug and medical device indexing based on the Emtree Life Science thesaurus, which has over twice as many terms as the MeSH (the MEDLINE thesaurus).
Due to its superior coverage and more detailed indexing EMBASE is widely recommended for doing systematic literature reviews.
The trial runs until July 3, 2015.
Please let the ETH Library know whether having access to EMBASE would support your research and whether you would recommend its subscription. Simply send an e-mail to <link>eressourcen@library.ethz.ch.
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