Henry Stewart Talks (Biomedical & Life Sciences Lectures) on trial
Henry Stewart Talks provides a collection of recorded scientific lectures by leading world experts that can be watched any time.
With a subscription of Henry Stewart Talks (HSTalks) one may limit conference travel and possibly reduce the personal CO2 output, by watching talks from home or in the office whenever it is convenient.
HSTalks, based in London, is a leading provider of specially prepared, animated, online, audio-visual lectures, seminar-style talks and case studies for universities and commercial enterprises. Lecturers are leading world experts and practitioners, including Nobel Laureates, drawn from academia, industry, the professions and government.
The Biomedical & Life Sciences Lecturesof HS Talks are freely available through a trial at ETH Zürich until December 19, 2017. The trial is organized by ETH Library. If you think that HSTalks is useful, drop an informal e-mail to Oliver Renn. We will forward the comments to ETH Library.
To access HSTalks, click <link https: hstalks.com biosci _blank>here.
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