Meaningful Weblinks on your desktop
Are you frequently dropping direct links for reuse from your browser to your desktop? But would like to see meaningful icons instead of generic browser images?
<link file:108 _blank download file>This video (55 sec) shows you how you can change the generic icons into meaningful symbols on a Mac, that look like an app and which you just have to click to open the website immediately.
You can design the icons as you like. Icons that represent the D-CHAB and the Info Center are provided for immediate use as png files.
<link file:109 _blank download file>Icon for the D-CHAB
<link file:110 _blank download file>Icon for the Information Center
Have you designed an icon that could be of interest for others? You are welcome to share it here, just sent the file to <link mail window for sending>Daniel Maurer.
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