ReactionFlash and apoc: Learning chemistry named reactions by gaming
How easy it is to develop this fundamental synthetic knowledge is shown in a <link https: external link in new>video.
Organic chemists must learn a large set of named reactions, to be able to utilize this repertoire for their own synthetic challenges.
Learning those reactions is fundamental, but also hard work. With ReactionFlash, a free app for iOS and Android, learning is gamified, with flash card quizzes for 550 named reactions.
ReactionFlash is provided by Elsevier and was developed in cooperation with Prof. Erick Carreira (ETH Zürich, LOC) and his group.
<link https: reactionflash-app-23f7-54172.html _blank external link in new>Learn more about ReactionFlash. An interview with Erick Carreira can be found <link https:>here, as well as a <link https: connect flash-card-app-for-chemistry-gamifies-learning _blank external link in new>blog report on ReactionFlash.
<link https: ch app reactionflash _blank external link in new>Download ReactionFlash in the Apple Store
<link https: store apps _blank external link in new>Download ReactionFlash in the Google Play Store
A member of Prof. Erick Carreira's research group, PhD student Niels Sievertsen, has also developed another app for learning organic named reactions, the app "apoc social – Problems in Organic Chemistry".
<link file:68>Learn more about apoc social (p.7).
<link https: us app apoc-social-problems-in-organic-chemistry id1180554411 _blank external link in new>Download apoc social in the Apple Store
<link https: store apps _blank external link in new>Download apoc social in the Google Play Store
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