Statistics de-bunked: On using statistics to draw conclusions
Invest just one morning and get to know (almost) all about statistics
When you walk out of the course, taught by Prof. Dr. Hanspeter Schmid, FHNW, you will not only know that what most people do is wrong, but also how to do it right, and how simple it actually is to do it right.
Students and staff of ETH Zurich can attend the course – held at ETH Zurich – for free.
Wednesday, 15.11.2017, 8:15–12:00, ETH Zentrum, IFW A36.
Please register until 7.11.2017 by e-mail to <link window for sending>
The topics of the English-language course are.
- 45' de-bunk talk: "The 3-sigma fallacy, and a correct way to treat your data"
- 3 x 45' going into the details: "Statistics in Science" covering
- Probability Distribution, Cumulative Distribution
- Robustness
- Student-t and Chi Square (which you should NOT use because it assumes normal distributions)
- Binomial Distribution Method (which you SHOULD use because it is distribution independent)
- How to report data
- Probability Theory – The Logic of Science
- Bootstrapping: the tool of the lazy (and therefore wise) scientistStatistics de-bunked: on using statistics to draw conclusions
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