Test your research impact strength! Compare yourself to other researchers
The emphasis on research impact grows.
Do you think you are more or less knowledgeable than other researchers, when it comes to knowing what skills, tools or support you need to have impact?
Kudos (<link http: www.growkudos.com _blank external link in new>www.growkudos.com) has developed a light-hearted quiz for you to test your research impact "muscles" and compare yourself to other researchers in terms of how much you know about research impact, and to give you ideas for how you can ensure your work gets found, read, applied and cited.
There are just 11 multiple-choice questions to answer – and at the end, you know where you stand and can – if you want – even enter a prize draw to win a grand prize of $4,000 worth of research infographics for your institution, and potentially a $100 Amazon voucher for you!
To start the quiz, click <link https: kudosimpactgame.com _blank external link in new>here.
Using the tool Kudos is free, but a registration required at <link http: www.growkudos.com go ethz für kudos eth zürich>www.growkudos.com/go/ethz. More information on Kudos can be found <link https: www.chab.ethz.ch en outreach scientific-communications for-eth-zurich-researchers kudos.html _blank external link in new>here.
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