The linguistic biomedical search engine Quetzal available at ETH Zurich
Register to get free access to Quetzal Advanced, a biomedical search engine that goes beyond PubMed.
With Quetzal, you can search PubMed not only with keywords but with a combined technology of natural language processing and statistical algorithms. You get more relevant but less hits in the Focused results – no need to browse through hundreds or thousands of results. On the other hand, you might find articles that are actually in PubMed but can not be found through a PubMed key word search.
Additionally, you benefit e.g. from PowerTerms (The PowerTerm $Disease that finds all disease – no need to type in all diseases). With the Advanced Version that has been licensed on behalf of the Chemistry | Biology | Information Center you have access to additional filter such as "Negative Statements" as well as additional content (Patents, PubMed Central Full text, Toxline, NIH Grants ....
To register, go to <link https:> You will see the welcome message
Follow the registration info. For additional information or in case you have already registered for the free version of Quetzal, see the Registration Guide (PDF).
To learn more, go the the <link https: pages resources.shtml _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>Resources Page, check out the <link https: pages movie external-link-new-window external link in new>short video (or read the article "Text mining with Quetzal (fka Quertle)" in our magazine <link file:118 download file>Infozine No. 8 (p. 1.)
Training events are in preparation.
For additional information contact Dr. Oliver Renn.
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