Noise emissions due to drilling work
From June 10, 2024, to July 19, 2024, various drilling works will be carried out between the HIL and HWO buildings and opposite the HCI building, which will generate noise emissions.
Core drillings, dynamic probing and excavator trenches will be carried out in the designated area in the coming weeks to comprehensively investigate the subsoil in the HXE perimeter. The work will take place during normal working hours during the day. Particularly, the core drillings will result in certain emissions, especially vibrations. The Real Estate Department has scheduled the work with maximum consideration for the relevant semesters and examination dates.
We do not yet know how much the drilling will affect the learning and working atmosphere in the Info Center. Nevertheless, we would like to inform especially neurosensitive students who are planning to prepare for their examinations in the Info Center. At least in the evening it should be quiet, we are open until 10:00 pm.
An information sheet from the Real Estate Department can be viewed at the Info Desk.
Illustration: DALL-E
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