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Unsere neue Infobroschüre ist da!

Die aktualisierte Infobroschüre für 2023/2024 ist online und gedruckt in deutscher und englischer Sprache am Infodesk erhältlich.


Information Center closed during revision works

Due to the annual revision works, the Information Center will remain closed from September 11 to September 15, 2023.

Media can be picked up and returned on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9:00 a.m. till 12:00 p.m. You can reach us also by e-mail at infodesk(at)

Starting September 18, 2023 with the beginning of the fall semester, the usual opening hours apply: Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.


Eschenmoser Collection at the Information Center

In July 2023, Prof. Albert Eschenmoser, who shaped the organic chemistry of the 20th century like no other, died at the age of 98. In 2017, he donated his most important books to the Information Center.


Selection of newly acquired books June 2023

A selection of newly acquired books, for the four subject areas Chemistry & Pharmacy, Life Sciences, Bridging Scientific Disciplines as well as Popular Science & Lifelong Learning, can be found online.


Opening hours: Summer 2023

During the learning and exam period, we will again offer extended opening hours in the evenings and on weekends. Read all the details here.


Coffee Lectures: The 29th series!

Starting June 13, 2023, there will again be three weeks of Coffee Lectures with a mix of different topics. The 29th series will again take place live on site but will also be broadcasted via Zoom and later made available via YouTube.


Infozine No. 27 has been published!

The 27th Issue of our magazine Infozine is now available online, once again with a mix of news from the Information Center, the world of scientific communication and tips and tricks.



Selection of newly acquired books May 2023

A selection of newly acquired books, for the four subject areas Chemistry & Pharmacy, Life Sciences, Bridging Scientific Disciplines as well as Popular Science & Lifelong Learning, can be found online.


Selection of newly acquired books April 2023

A selection of newly acquired books, for the four subject areas Chemistry & Pharmacy, Life Sciences, Bridging Scientific Disciplines as well as Popular Science & Lifelong Learning, can be found online.


Selection of newly acquired books March 2023

A selection of newly acquired books, for the four subject areas Chemistry & Pharmacy, Life Sciences, Bridging Scientific Disciplines as well as Popular Science & Lifelong Learning, can be found online.


Find & Access: Join our swisscovery course

Whether you are a new user or looking for some advanced tips: join our swisscovery course on March 9 to make the best use of the Information Center and ETH Library's holdings.


Coffee Lectures: The 28th series!

Starting March 14, 2023, there will again be three weeks of Coffee Lectures with a mix of different topics. The 28th series will take place live on site but will also be broadcasted via Zoom.

[Translate to English:]

Crash Courses Spring 2023

Do you want to save a lot of time during your research or Master's project? The Chemistry | Biology | Pharmacy Information Center offers a broad range of valuable crash courses on scientific information retrieval and visualization. From text-based liteterature search with Scopus, visualization with PyMOL or ChemDraw, or, the effective use of PubMed. There is something for you too!


Workshop: Creating data pipelines with KNIME

KNIME is a free open-source tool that allows you to create automated data workflows. The workshop on 12.1.2023 gives an introduction to KNIME and shows you, with practical examples, how you can use KNIME.


Selection of newly acquired books December 2022

A selection of newly acquired books, for the four subject areas Chemistry & Pharmacy, Life Sciences, Bridging Scientific Disciplines as well as Popular Science & Lifelong Learning, can be found online.
