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The fourth series of our Coffee Lectures starts November 4, 2014.
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The fourth series of our Coffee Lectures starts November 4, 2014.
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The Chemistry | Biology | Pharmacy Information Center (ICBP) guide "Services and Information Resources" is now available in a revised version.
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Due to the annual inventory the Information Center remains closed from September 8 to September 12, 2014.
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Come to the Infodesk on Tuesday, September 16, 2014, 8:00 am and secure yourself a locker for the fall semester.
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The Chemistry | Biology | Pharmacy Information Center will be closed on Friday, August 1 (Swiss National Day). Closing time on Thursday, July 31, 2014 is 5.00 pm.
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The slides of SciFinder presentations at the ACS on Campus Event at ETH Zurich, July 9 to 10, 2014, are now available for download.
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Scientists in the life sciences and chemistry need to deal with vast amounts of information.
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Attend the ACS on Campus event on July 9 & 10, 2014 and get insights into scientific writing and publishing, career options and advanced training on SciFinder and other tools. Scientists from other Swiss Research Institutions are also welcome to attend. More information and registration can be found at <link http:>
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The reading wheel shows it: Like the Institute for Pharmaceutical Science (IPW) the pharmaceutical sciences in general and the scientific disciplines around are manifold.
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It is springtime, the flowers are blossoming, bees are humming, the birds are singing and people are laughing.
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Now 15 minutes earlier, at 12:45 pm sharp, the Coffee Lectures will be continued, again every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, for three weeks.
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Save the date: Reservation starts Monday, May 19, 2014!
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Check out our reading wheel! The Chemistry | Biology | Pharmacy Information Center has now put the first books on display. Our first topic is Green Chemistry. Books are exhibited until Thursday, April 10. Starting Friday, April 11, we will present books on auxiliary skills.
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Already in the Renaissance tools were developed to support readers in processing information faster and easier, as for example the reading machine by Agostino Ramelli. Inspired by this example, the artist Veronika Spierenburg has created a metal reading wheel, which can now be expierenced in the Information Center.
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The American Chemical Society (ACS) will bring their ACS on Campus program to the ETH Zürich, Hönggerberg.
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Up to April 30, 2014, ETH Zurich has access to the RxnFinder, the online search engine for the ChemInform Reaction Library (CIRX). CIRX contains over 1.7 million reactions and covers data from 1990 to the present, with data selected from about 100 journals.
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On February 4 we will start our second series of Coffee Lectures. Coffee and knowledge will be available again on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 1:00 pm in HCI G2.
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Just in time for Christmas our fourth issue of Infozine has been published.
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Our first video clip is ready – see our Coffee Lecture trailer.
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Information, knowledge, and a coffee – from December you can get all three in the Info Center – every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 1:00 pm.
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The Chemistry | Biology | Information Center is presenting its information resources and services completely redesigned on a new technical platform.
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