
Selection of newly acquired books – September 2016

A selection of newly acquired books, for the four subject areas <link file:1672 download file>Chemistry, <link file:1671 download file>Biology, <link file:1670 download file>Pharmacy as well as <link file:1673 download file>Varia, can be found <link internal-link internal link in current>online.


Selection of newly acquired books – Juni 2016

A selection of newly acquired books, for the four subject areas <link file:1639 internal link in current>Chemistry, <link file:1642 download file>Biology, <link file:1640 download file>Pharmacy as well as <link file:1641 download file>Varia, can be found <link en catalogues-new-books new-acquisitions internal link in current>online.


Infozine No. 11 has been published!

The 11th Issue of our magazine Infozine is now available online, with a mix of news from the Info Center, the world of scientific communication and lots of tips and tricks.


9. Series of Coffee Lectures

Once spring semester 2016 is over the 9th series of Coffee Lectures is starting. We are going to repeat some topics but will also have three new ones.


Selection of newly acquired books – Mai 2016

A selection of newly acquired books, for the four subject areas <link file:1615 internal link in current>Chemistry, <link file:1613 download file>Biology, <link file:1617 download file>Pharmacy as well as <link file:1614 download file>Varia, can be found <link internal-link internal link in current>online.


World Book Day on April 23, 2016

Already two days earlier the Information Center celebrates the World Book and Copyright Day with a book exchange market.


Selection of newly acquired books – April 2016

A selection of newly acquired books, for the four subject areas <link file:1597 file>Chemistry, <link file:1598 file>Biology, <link file:1600 file>Pharmacy as well as <link file:1599 file>Varia, can be found <link en catalogues-new-books new-acquisitions internal link in current>online.


Selection of newly acquired books – March 2016

A selection of newly acquired books, for the four subject areas <link file:1597 download file>Chemistry, <link file:1598 download file>Biology, <link file:1600 download file>Pharmacy as well as <link file:1599 download file>Varia, can be found <link internal-link internal link in current>online.

[Translate to English:]

ChemDraw as a CompiCampus Course

This semester the Info Center participates in the Compicampus IT short courses: Learn how to use ChemDraw more efficiently and save a lot of time during studies and in the lab.


The D-CHAB Videos!

The Info Center congratulates the winners of the D-CHAB video competition and is particularly happy that four out of seven videos used the Info Center as location.

[Translate to English:]

Opening hours until early June 2016

Spring Semester has many holidays and you can even enjoy the Easter break. The Chemistry | Biology | Pharmacy Information Center has adjusted its opening hours accordingly.


Selection of newly acquired books – February 2016

A selection of newly acquired books, for the four subject areas <link file:1481 download file>Chemistry,<link file:1480 download file>Biology, <link file:1483 download file>Pharmacy as well as <link file:1482 download file>Varia, can be found <link http: en catalogues-new-books new-acquisitions internal link in current>online.


Studentische Hilfskraft für das Infozentrum gesucht

Das Infozentrum sucht per 1.5.2016 eine(n) studentische(n) Mitarbeiter/in (7%) zur Betreuung des Infodesks von Montag bis Freitag von 18-20 Uhr sowie an Samstagen und ausgewählten Sonntagen in den Semesterferien, in einem Team von derzeit fünf studentischen Mitarbeitern.


Selection of newly acquired books – January 2016

A selection of newly acquired books, for the four subject areas <link file:1442 download file>Chemistry,<link file:1440 download file>Biology, <link file:1441 download file>Pharmacy as well as <link file:1439 download file>Varia, can be found <link en catalogues-new-books new-acquisitions internal link in current>online.
