Brown Bag Seminar: 42 Minutes Critical Thinking
The Information Chemistry | Biology | Pharmacy Information Center is hosting the next Brownbag Seminar on Critical Thinking. All Information can be found in the <link file:2124>Flyer.
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The Information Chemistry | Biology | Pharmacy Information Center is hosting the next Brownbag Seminar on Critical Thinking. All Information can be found in the <link file:2124>Flyer.
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A selection of newly acquired books, for the four subject areas <link file:2112>Chemistry, <link file:2109>Biology, <link file:2111>Pharmacy as well as <link file:2110>Varia, can be found <link>online.
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Starting November 14, 2017 you will have another opportunity for getting a coffee and to grow your collection of Coffee Lecture cards. Check our <link file:2126>Video Preview.
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This year's Open Access week theme of "Open in Order to ..."
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How easy it is to develop this fundamental synthetic knowledge is shown in a <link https: external link in new>video.
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Actually, you aim to read your core scientific journals frequently?
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Invest just one morning and get to know (almost) all about statistics
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A selection of newly acquired books, for the four subject areas Chemistry, Biology, Pharmacy as well as Varia, can be found online.
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With ChemDraw you can draw easily complex chemical structures (<link file:2216 file>Video).
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The reader "42", published every 42 days, is now also available in the reading lounge.
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The updated brochures for 2017/2018 are now available online, and print copies at the Infodesk.
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Come to the Infodesk on Monday, September 18, 2017, 8:00 am and secure yourself a locker for the fall semester.
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Due to the annual inventory the Information Center remains closed from September 11 to September 15, 2017.
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Unter Kataloge - Neue Bücher finden Sie Poster (PDF) zum Herunterladen mit 12 ausgewählten Neuerwerbungen des Infozentrums. Mit einem Klick auf den Buchumschlag kommen Sie direkt zum NEBIS-Katalogeintrag und können das Buch online ausleihen. Gedruckte Flyer mit einem QR-Code, der Sie ebenfalls zur Ausleihe führt, finden Sie am Infodesk zum Mitnehmen.
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Become "Information" savvy by taking the course with the longest name. A short introductory video can be found <link https: r_4upkmpmq8 external link in new>here.
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In celebration of the Swiss National Day the Information Center is closed.
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The 15th Issue of our magazine Infozine is now available online, once again with a mix of News from the Info Center, the world of scientific communication and tips and tricks.
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The emphasis on research impact grows.
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A selection of newly acquired books, for the four subject areas <link file:1934 file>Chemistry, <link file:1935 file>Biology, <link file:1937 file>Pharmacy as well as <link file:1936 file>Varia, can be found <link http: internal link in current>online.
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The ETH Library is informing on July 6 on the Swiss National Science Foundation's new guidelines for Data Management Plans.
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The research output of the D-CHAB has been visualized using the title words of all articles published in 2016. This reflects – among others – over 600 articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
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Catching up with the contents of all publications of the Department of Biology – somehow possible with a word cloud.
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The course, held on July 4, 2017, in German (!) is free for members of ETH Zurich.
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A selection of newly acquired books, for the four subject areas <link file:1894 download file>Chemistry, <link file:1893 download file>Biology, <link file:1895 download file>Pharmacy as well as <link file:1896 download file>Varia, can be found <link internal-link internal link in current>online.
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The 12th series of our Coffee Lecture starts on Juni 13, 2017.
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The <link file:1886 file>14th issue of our magazine Infozine is now available online, once again with a mix of News from the Info Center, the world of scientific communication and tips and tricks.
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Come to the Infodesk on June 6, 2017, 8:00 am and secure yourself a locker for the summer semester break.
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The Info Center has extended opening hours from June 6 to August 31, 2017.
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The <link http: publications _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>D-CHAB publication list is based on a new technical framework and can now additionally display alternative metrics.
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Save the date: Reservation starts Monday, May 22, 2017 at 8:00 am!
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