Rental of the lockers for Spring Semester 2019
Come to the Infodesk on February 18, 2018, 8:00 am and secure yourself a locker for spring semester 2019.
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Come to the Infodesk on February 18, 2018, 8:00 am and secure yourself a locker for spring semester 2019.
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At ETH Zurich, full texts of standards are now available via the <link https:>eresearchcenter.
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As of now, scientists from ETH Zurich can publish open access in Royal Society of Chemistry journals free of charge.
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A selection of newly acquired books, for the four subject areas <link file:3112>Chemistry, <link file:3113>Biology, <link file:3110>Pharmacy as well as <link file:3111>Varia, can be found <link>online.
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The 19th issue of our magazine Infozine is now available <link file:3107>online, once again with a mix of news from the Info Center, the world of scientific communication and tips and tricks.
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Come to the Infodesk on Monday, January 7, 2019, at 8:00 am and secure yourself a locker for the examination period before spring semester.
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A selection of newly acquired books, for the four subject areas <link file:2806>Chemistry, <link file:2804>Biology, <link file:2807>Pharmacy as well as <link file:2805>Varia, can be found <link>online.
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During the advent season you will find a Christmas tree in the lounge area.
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Check out the updated Reaxys landing page and a number of improvements in search and results pages.
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The Info Center has extended opening hours from January 3 to February 15, 2019.
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Also in 2018 we help you counting the days until Christmas with our Video Advent Calendar.
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Save the date: Reservation starts Monday, December 17, 2018 at 8:00 am! The rooms can be reserved for the period of January 3, to February 15, 2019.
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A new service for members of ETH Zurich (Video).
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The second Infozine Special Issue discusses how digital technologies influence our way of doing science (Video).
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A selection of newly acquired books, for the four subject areas <link file:2338>Chemistry, <link file:2335>Biology, <link file:2337>Pharmacy as well as <link file:2339>Varia, can be found <link>online.
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The 16th series of our Coffee Lecture starts on November 13, 2018 (Video Trailer Week 1).
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On October 16, 2018, developers from Thieme present their new tool for synthetic chemists.
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A selection of newly acquired books, for the four subject areas <link file:2315>Chemistry, <link file:2316>Biology, <link file:2318>Pharmacy as well as <link file:2317>Varia, can be found <link>online.
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Current opening hours are now available as a <link file:2312>PDF.
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Due to the ESF 2018 (Rise or descend) we are closing earlier.
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On October 10, 2018, Daniela Engist will read from her novel "Kleins grosse Sache" – a satirical insight into how it is to work in industry.
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A selection of newly acquired books, for the four subject areas <link file:2296>Chemistry, <link file:2295>Biology, <link file:2297>Pharmacy as well as <link file:2298>Varia, can be found <link>online.
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Come to the Infodesk on Monday, September 17, 2018, 8:00 am and secure yourself a locker for the fall semester.
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Become "Information" savvy by taking the course with the longest name. A short introductory video can be found <link https: r_4upkmpmq8 external link in new>here.
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More than 700 publications represent the research output of the D-CHAB in 2017.
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Catching up with the research of the Department of Biology – this is possible with an image.
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In celebration of the Swiss National Day the Information Center is closed. On July 31, we are closing at 5:00 pm.
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A monitor on our website now shows the occupancy.
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A selection of newly acquired books, for the four subject areas <link file:2268>Chemistry, <link file:2267>Biology, <link file:2269>Pharmacy as well as <link file:2270>Varia, can be found <link>online.
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A selection of newly acquired books, for the four subject areas <link file:2262>Chemistry, <link file:2261>Biology, <link file:2263>Pharmacy as well as <link file:2264>Varia, can be found <link>online.
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