
Meaningful Weblinks on your desktop

Are you frequently dropping direct links for reuse from your browser to your desktop? But would like to see meaningful icons instead of generic browser images?


SoS – Science of Synthesis

November 12 is SoS day. Get to know Science of Synthesis through the Coffee Lecture at 13:00 or learn all about SoS in a seminar, both given by Dr. Guido F. Herrmann, chemist and Managing Director Thieme Chemistry.


New ICBP Guides are available now

The Chemistry | Biology | Pharmacy Information Center (ICBP) guide "Our Services" is now available in a revised version.


Info Center closed on August 1, 2015

The Chemistry | Biology | Pharmacy Information Center will be closed on Saturday, August 1 (Swiss National Day). Closing time on Friday, July 31, 2015 is 5.00 pm.


EMBASE on trial until July 3, 2015

The ETH Library has arranged a trial for the Elsevier database EMBASE (<link https:>, the most comprehensive biomedical literature search tool.


Infozine No. 8 has been published!

Once again, the Info Center has published a new issue of its magazine Infozine – and as we hope entertaining and useful.


Selection of newly acquired books – May 2015

A selection of newly acquired books, for the four subject areas chemistry, biology, pharmacy as well as varia, can be found <link internal-link internal link in current>online.


Are you a bibliofreak?

BiblioFreak is a national campaign for libraries, supported by the Swiss Goverment, Kantons and several library associations. The campaign starts on April 23, 2015 and will last until end of 2016.


Limited Opening hours April to May 2015

The Info Center is closed on Easter, "Sechseläuten" (Afternoon), Labor Day, Ascension Day and Pentecost. In the week after Easter the Info Center closes at 6 pm.
